Create a DIY magnetic or label-based meal plan system that you can really stick to, by including scannable codes that take you right to your favourite online recipes!

Make achieving your meal planning goals easier by getting rid of the hassle that comes with searching for recipes! Instead, use Avery Magnet Sheets or labels and templates to create a meal planning system for your whiteboard, fridge or planner that let you scan and go right to your favourite online recipes!

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What You’ll Need:

  • Avery Magnet Sheets or Labels
  • *Printer
  • Free Avery Template
  • Scissors
  • Mobile Device with QR Code reading app
  • Favourite Online Recipes
  • How to Make your Magnetic Meal Plan System:

    Note: We’re using Avery Magnet Sheets for this walkthrough, but you can also find templates for this meal planning system using labels in different sizes!

    1. Gather your favourite online recipes, along with their URL. An easy way to get all of the recipes and URLs in one place is to add them to a spreadsheet.

    2. Go to the Magnetic Meal Plan template on

    3. Select Edit One to customize each magnet or label.

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    4. Customize meal name fields with the name of the dish, and the “meal type” field with things like main dish, side, dessert, or something else.

    5. Customize your QR code

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    a. Click the QR code box

    b. Select URL as the code type

    c. Under website enter the recipe’s URL and hit finish

    d. Then, simply resize as desired

    6. Repeat for each Meal Plan Card. To edit additional sheets, click the Add Sheets button at the bottom right of the Navigator box.

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    7. If using magnet sheets, print and then cut out each plan card. If using labels simply print and apply.

    8. Use magnets to plan meals on magnet receptive surfaces. Use labels to plan in your BUJO spread, meal planning binder, or other methods.

    9. To access your recipes, simply use the QR code scanner in your mobile device to scan the code on each meal plan card.

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    *Magnet sheets are printable on Ink Jet printers only

    If you make this Magnetic Meal Plan System with Scannable links, be sure to share the finished results on social media using hashtag #MadeWithAveryCanada!

    Get inspired! Let help you create, organize, plan, and get down to business with innovative ideas, hundreds of free templates, a wide selection of products and high-quality printing services.